An emulsifiable concentrate insecticide with contact and stomach action for the control of pests on the crops as listed.


Insectido 5 EC

Label information:

Safety data sheet:


Active ingredient:

Lambda-cyhalothrin 5 EC





Maize, sweet corn, sorghum

Key targets:

Agrotis spp., Alabama argillacea, Amyelois teansitella, Anticarsia gemmatalis, Carpocapsa pomonella, Colias lesbia, Contarinia sorghicola, Cydia pomonella, Dephacodes kuschelli, Diatreae saccharalis, Ectomyelois cerratonire, Epinotia aporema, Grapholita molothis spp., Grapholita molothis spp. Oiketicus platensis, Psylla pyricola, Rachiplusia nu, Spodoptera frugiperda, Tuta absoluta

Classification of hazardous substances:

Contact us

Hein Smith

Head of Sales and Marketing for Southern Africa

DVA Group / DVA Chemicals South Africa
The Reserve 1, Unit 3
1 Capricorn Way
Brackenfell, 7560
South Africa
[email protected]
Phone: +27 60 997 5471
Office: +27 21 880 0676

MarnΓ© Van Deventer

Financial Manager DVA Chemicals South Africa

DVA Group / DVA Chemicals South Africa
The Reserve 1, Unit 3
1 Capricorn Way
Brackenfell, 7560
South Africa
[email protected]
Phone: +27 60 977 1595
Office: +27 21 880 0676

Marnes Gouws

Sales Representative DVA Chemicals South Africa

DVA Group / DVA Chemicals South Africa
The Reserve 1, Unit 3
1 Capricorn Way
Brackenfell, 7560
South Africa
Phone: +27 81 301 5425
Office: +27 21 880 0676

Sune Wessels

Sales Representative and Technical Advisor DVA Chemicals South Africa

DVA Group / DVA Chemicals South Africa
The Reserve 1, Unit 3
1 Capricorn Way
Brackenfell, 7560
South Africa
Phone: +27 82 466 6454
Office: +27 21 880 0676